


Typenübersicht - 1

SCHOTTEL for the Shipping World SCHOTTEL for the Shipping World Standard Types Typenübersicht I I I I I I Constant customer support Professional commissioning world-wide Preventive maintenance and repairs State-of-the-art modernizations Reconditioned second-hand units Close-knit sales and service network Elmer A. Sperry Award 2004 VPR-325/06 d/e · Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany The enclosed data are a guide-line for projects Die angegebenen Daten dienen als Richtlinien für die Projektierung SCHOTTEL GmbH & Co. KG Mainzer Str. 99 · D-56322 Spay / Rhein Tel.: + 49 (0) 26 28 / 6 10 · Fax: + 49 (0) 26 28 / 6 13 00 eMail: info@schottel.de · www.schottel.de Innovators in propulsion technology

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Typenübersicht - 2

SCHOTTEL Propulsion Systems Our product information provides you with explanations and data for planning plants incorporating units from our current programme. associated with upgrading, the contents of a specific edition will remain valid for a limited time only. Binding for the application concer- halten Sie Erlàuterungen und Daten Inhalt nur eine bestimmte Zeit Verbind Iich für die Einzelanwendung sind die Angaben unserer Certified Quality Zertifizierte Qualitàt

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Typenübersicht - 3

Professional Partnership - Throughout the Vessel's life Lifelong sailing on an even keel with SCHOTTEL" - that is the ambitious goal we have set ourselves. For every phase in a vessel's life, we have the solution that will fit your needs. We are your pro- fessional partners every step of the way, from commissioning and maintenance through to repairs and modernization. Custom-tailored propulsion concepts demand extensive experience and We do more than just build propulsion and manoeuvring systems - we also provide intensive consultation and advice, as well as comprehensive after- sales...

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Typenübersicht - 4

combined propulsion and steering systems rated at up to 6000 kW, which convert the engine power into optimum thrust. As the underwater components can be steered through 360 degrees, the full propulsive power can also be used for manoeuvring and dynamic Maximum manoeuvrability, optimum efficiency, economical operation, space-saving installation and simple maintenance - these are just a few of the outstanding features of this robust and reliable propulsion concept, which has proved its worth under tropical and arctic conditions in vessels of all kinds kombinierte Antriebs- und Steuerungs-...

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Typenübersicht - 5

complete Rudderpropeller system with is the ideal means of propulsion for all vessels in the medium speed range. Two propellers mounted on a common shaft and rotating in the same direction, with guide fins integrated into the com- plete system, result in a host of advan- tages, including high reliability due to the straightforward construction with a small number of moving parts, reduction of the propeller diameter without penal- izing the efficiency, lower fuel costs and Gesamtsystems SCHOTTEL Ruderpro- peller mit einem bis zu 20% höheren Wirkungsgrad. Er ist der ideale Antrieb für alle...

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Typenübersicht - 6

SCP SCHOTTEL CP Propeller Units SCHOTTEL controllable-pitch prop (SCP) are propulsion systems that can be used with almost any type of vessel. The power spectrum ranges from 1000 to 30,000 kW, with propeller sizes varying between approximately 1.8 to Propulsionsanlagen, die nahezu in alien Schiffstypen eingesetzt werden können. bereich werden Propeller von ca. 1,8 bis Advanced calculation methods allow the controllable-pitch propeller systems to be optimally adapted to the vessel's hull form, thereby maximizing efficiency and minimising noise generation. The simple structure of the SCP...

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STT SCHOTTEL Transverse Thruster SCHOTTEL Transverse Thrusters (STT) are built on the basis of the tried-and- tested underwater gearboxes of our Rudderpropellers. We supply standard Transverse Thrusters with FP or CP SCHOTTEL offers optimised solutions even for special applications in which extremely low noise generation is SCHOTTEL bietet die optimale Lösung für fast alle Anwendungsbereiche der Unsere SCHOTTEL Querstrahlanlagen (STT) sind technisch ausgereifte Produkte auf dem technologisch neuesten Stand, die wir mit Fest- oder Verstellpropellern Input power Input speed Frequency...

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Typenübersicht - 8

The SCHOTTEL Pump-Jet (SPJ) operates on the principle of a centrifugal pump. An impeller sucks in water from under the hull and forces it into a pump housing. The outlet nozzles are fitted in the bottom plate, making it possible for the jet to be installed in a flat-bottomed hull too. With a compact design, low loss of buoyancy and low suction effect, Pump- Jets with power ratings up to 3500 kW develop a high thrust even in extremely shallow water and over a wide speed range. Like all SCHOTTEL products, they are distinguished by their excellent manoeuvring properties - as propulsion units...

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SCD SCHOTTEL Combi Drive cept that combines the main technical and economic criteria of both mechanical SCHOTTEL Combi Drive (SCD). In contrast to pod drives with an electric motor inside the underwater pod, the motor in the new propulsion system will be integrated vertically into the support tube of the Rudderpropeller. This arrange- ment of the electric motor means that the concept is similar to that of a Rudder- propeller with a vertical power input einen und Pod-Antrieben auf der ande- ren Se/fe basiert der SCHOTTEL Combi ist beim Combi Drive der E-Motor verti- integriert. Durch diese...

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Typenübersicht - 10

SEP SCHOTTEL Electric Propulsor Type Power Leistung max. [MW]* Speed Drehzahl max. [r.p.m./Upm] Propeller Ø [mm] Weight Gewicht [t] SEP 2 2.0 260 2500 40 SEP 5 5.0 200 3750 95 Only as Twin-Propeller Version / Nur als Twin-Propeller Version * S1 power acc. DIN EN 60034 S1 / S1 Leistung gem. DIN EN 60034 S1 The development of the SCHOTTEL Electric Propulsor (SEP) in twin propeller version is the result of investigations into the market demand for pods in the power range of 2 to 5 MW. Mit dem SCHOTTEL Electric Propulsor (SEP) in Twin-Propeller Ausführung tragen wir der wachsenden Nachfrage...

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Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von Schottel

  1. deu_STT.pdf

    8 Seiten

  2. Twin-Propeller

    8 Seiten

  3. NAV

    8 Seiten

Archivierte Kataloge

  1. deu_SRP

    8 Seiten

  2. deu_SCD

    8 Seiten

  3. Pump-Jet

    8 Seiten


    20 Seiten

  5. MB 3

    4 Seiten