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WE KNOW WHAT MOVES SHIPS. WIR WISSEN, WAS SCHIFFE BEWEGT. SCHOTTEL ranks among the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality marine propulsion systems, especially steerable propulsion units. Founded in 1921 by Josef Becker in Spay / Rhine (Germany), the SCHOTTEL Group is an independent family-owned business which today has further production facilities in Wismar (Germany) and Suzhou (China). Our customers quickly notice that quality and customer orientation are our leading lights – worldwide. These are the landmarks by which our entire organization sets its bearings. Day by day, the...
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Maximum manoeuvrability, optimum efficiency, reliable and economical operation, space-saving installation and easy maintenance are the outstanding features of the SCHOTTEL Rudderpropeller (SRP). Maximale Manövrierfähigkeit, optimaler Wirkungsgrad, sicherer und wirtschaftlicher Betrieb, raumsparende Installation und einfache Wartung sind die herausragenden Merkmale des SCHOTTEL Ruderpropellers (SRP). Its functional principle is as simple as it is effective: by rotating the underwater part through 360°, the full propulsive power can be used for manoeuvring the ship. With power ratings up to...
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Type Input power Input speed Propeller Weight Eingangsleistung Eingangsdrenzahl 0 Gewicht Retractable Units / Ausfahrbare Anlagen Underwater mountable Units / Anlagen für Unterwasser-Einbauten For Standard applications please use Our propeller calailation tool HydrAonline! on www.schotteLde./ Standardanwendungen können mit HydrAonline auf www.schotteLde berechnet werden The indicated powers are Short time allowed maximum input powers. Depending on the vessel type, the Operation profile, the specific use and the Classification the maximum allowable powers will be low er. / Die angegebenen...
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Two propellers are mounted on a common shaft and rotate in the same direction. The STP is thus the successful optimization of the complete Rudderpropeller system, with significantly increased efficiency, and is the ideal propulsion unit for all ships in the medium speed range with application-related higher propeller loads. Zwei Propeller sind auf einer gemeinsamen Welle angeordnet und drehen in die gleiche Richtung. Der STP stellt die erfolgreiche Optimierung des Gesamtsystems Ruderpropeller mit einem wesentlich höheren Wirkungsgrad dar und ist der ideale Antrieb für Schiffe im mittleren...
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Type Input power Input speed Propeller Weight Eingangsleistung Eingangsdrenzahl 0 Gewicht The indicated powers are Short time allowed maximum input powers. Depending on the vessel type, the Operation Profile, the specific use and the Classification the maximum allowable powers will be lower. / Die angegebener Leistungen sind kurzfristig zulässige maximale Eingangsleistungen. Abhängig vem Schiffstyp, dem Einsatzprofil, der spezifischen Einsatzbedingungen und der Klassifikaticn ist die maximal zulässige Leistung niedriger. Weight only STP, well installation, with propeller and oil at PAL min...
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The SCHOTTEL Combi Drive (SCD) combines the most important technical and economical characteristics of the mechanical Rudderpropeller and the pod drive. By integrating the electric motor vertically into the support tube of the Rudderpropeller, our engineers have developed a propulsion system that combines the advantages of a powerful drive with a slimline, maintenancefriendly, hydrodynamically optimized design. A gearbox, shafting and space for the motor are not required, making this extremely compact propulsion unit particularly suitable for OSVs, RoPax, tankers and container ships....
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Type Input power Input speed Propeller Weight Eingangsleistung Eingangsdrehzahl 0 Gewicht Twin propeller Version / Twin Propeller Versior Single propeller Version with nozzle / Einzelpropeller Version mit Düse The indicated powers are short time aLLowed inaximuin input powers. Depending on the vessel type, the Operation profile, the specific use and the Classification the inaximuin aUowable powers will be Lower. / Die angegebener Leistungen sind kurzfristig zulässige maximale Eingangsleistungen. Abhängig vom Schiffstyp, dem Einsatzprofil, der spezifischen Einsatzbedingungen und der...
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SCHOTTEL Controllable-Pitch Propellers (SCP) can be used in nearly all vessel types. The power spectrum ranges from 600 kW to 30,000 kW, with propeller diameters varying between approximately 1.5 and 8.0 m. The pitch of the propeller blades can be adjusted for manoeuvring and to adapt to changing operating conditions. Advanced calculation methods allow the SCP to be optimally adapted to the hydrodynamic conditions on the vessel’s hull, thereby maximizing efficiency and minimizing noise generation. The robust design keeps maintenance requirements to a minimum and ensures a long service life....
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Type SCP-XG X-type hub with the servomotor fitted in the hub, the oil supply unit arranged in front of the reduction gear. Type SCP-XW X-type hub with the servomotor fitted in the hub and the oil supply unit arranged in the shafting. Type SCP-ZG: Z-type hub with the servomotor in the shaft line, the oil supply unit arranged in front of the reduction gear.
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The SRT is an electrically operated thruster system without a gearbox and propeller shaft. The stator of the electric motor is integrated into the outer part of a tunnel. Blades are fastened to the inside of the rotor. The result is a quiet, space- and weight-saving drive capable of transmitting the electric power directly into propulsion – without transmission losses and noise caused by a gear box. The optimized hydrodynamic design with the blades inside leads to a considerable reduction of cavitation. Moreover the design is robust and maintenance-friendly. The highly efficient electric...
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Type Rated power Inner diameter Nennleistung Innendurchmesser • Compact clesign • Exchangeable blacles Sslicle • Water-lubricatecl bearings • High Performance • Geräusch- & vibrationsarrr • Kompaktes Desigr • Wassergeschmierte Lager The indicated powers are Short time allowed maximum input powers. Depending on the vessel type, the Operation profile, the specific use and the Classification the maximum aüowable powers will be lower. / Die angegebener Leistungen sind kurzfristig zulässige maximale Eingangsleistungen. Abhängig vem Schiffstyp, dem Einsatzprofil, der spezifischen...
Katalog auf Seite 13 öffnenAlle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von Schottel
SCHOTTEL Azubibroschüre
7 Seiten
8 Seiten
8 Seiten
8 Seiten
SCHOTTEL Propulsion Systems
20 Seiten
SCHOTTEL Azimuth Thrusters
8 Seiten
SCHOTTEL Rim Thruster
2 Seiten
Intelligent Hybrid Propulsion
2 Seiten
Archivierte Kataloge
SCHOTTEL Imagebroschüre
36 Seiten
8 Seiten
8 Seiten
8 Seiten
11 Seiten
Produkte + Dienstleistungen
4 Seiten
32 Seiten
20 Seiten
SCP Controllable-Pitch Propeller
12 Seiten
9 Seiten
MB 3
4 Seiten