SCHOTTEL Imagebroschüre



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your propulsion experts

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CONTENTS Inhalt 04 Experts in propulsion 08 Partnership // Partnerschaft 10 Technology // Technologie Quality // Qualität System solutions // Systemlösungen Steering systems // Steuerungsysteme Applications // Anwendungen 32 Global service // Weltweiter Service 34 History // Geschichte

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Welcome to the PROPULSION EXPERTS. Willkommen bei den Experten für Propulsion. We know what moves ships SCHOTTEL ranks among the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality marine propulsion systems, especially steerable propulsion units. Founded in 1921 by Josef Becker in Spay / Rhine (Germany), the SCHOTTEL Group is an independent family-owned business which today has further production facilities in Wismar (Germany) and Suzhou (China). Our customers quickly notice that quality and customer orientation are our leading lights – worldwide. These are the landmarks by which our entire...

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Professional partnership – THROUGHOUT THE VESSEL’S LIFE. EIN SCHIFFSLEBEN LANG. A partnership of equals We listen to the needs of shipowners and yards before we develop and build propulsion and manoeuvring systems and we also support our customers with intensive consultation and advice as well as comprehensive after-sales service. Besides examination of the ship lines, propulsion calculations, instal­ ation l planning and commissioning, our engineers also develop solutions for preventive maintenance. Our Condition Monitoring System (CMS) allows continuous monitoring of the propulsion units,...

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Technology – Propelling the future. Die zukunft vorantreiben. Visions depend on expertise Visionen brauchen Know-how Since its founding, SCHOTTEL has always focused on introducing technical innovations on the market, thus playing a decisive role in the shipping world. From the Rudderpropeller, which remains the centrepiece of our product range, to Twin Propellers, Combi Drives, Pump-Jets and Transverse Thrusters, right up to Controllable-Pitch Propellers: our propulsion systems set vessels of different types and sizes in motion – safely and economically. Today, at our headquarters in Spay,...

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Technology From brainstorming in the think tank, … // Eine Idee wird geboren, … via careful feasibility studies, … // … sorgfältig auf das Machbare geprüft, … … to intensive model tests. // … und praxisnah im Modellversuch getestet. Digital Prototyping with FEM Calculation of natural frequencies and eigenforms using FEM for optimal design of the component. // Berechnung von Eigen­ re­ uen­ en f q z und Eigenformen mit FEM zur opti­ alen Auslegung des Bauteils. m

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QUALITY – COMMITTED TO DURABILITY AND RELIABILITY. WIR SETZEN AUF LANGLEBIGKEIT UND ZUVERLÄSSIGKEIT. Quality means meeting expectations Qualität bedeutet Erwartungen zu erfüllen Delivering quality is not just a question of good will. We develop and build propulsion systems which have to prove themselves under the toughest conditions in worldwide service. We are responsible for ensuring that these systems can be optimally commissioned, operated and maintained – a fact which our employees are acutely aware of. We see our work as an elementary link in our customers’ value creation chain. That...

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Modern manufacturing – Efficient processes We have invested heavily in the expansion of our production facilities. The machinery and equipment used today at our German production plants in Spay and Wismar and at our Chinese subsidiary in Suzhou operate with outstanding precision and make a major contribution to the consistent high quality of our products. The moment of truth comes at our test bed. When the intensive trial runs are successfully concluded, we can truly say: SCHOTTEL produces reliable results – day in, day out. Modern production facilities, … // Moderne Produktionsstätten, …...

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System Solutions – PROPULSION AND MANOEUVRING. Antriebe und Manövriersysteme. We offer powerful, cost-effective and efficient propulsion and manoeuvring systems for the widest range of vessels. Functional market segmentation helps us to target the exact needs of our customers: inland shipping, river and coastal shipping, ferries, yachts, harbour and sea-going tugs, ocean-going vessels, offshore systems, and military applications. Each area has different requirements, for which our engineers and technicians develop the appropriate solutions. Für Schiffstypen unterschiedlichster Art bieten...

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System solutions The right SCHOTTEL for every vessel Für jedes Schiff der passende schottel In other cases, the SCHOTTEL Twin Propeller (STP) is the optimal solution. Here, Twin Propeller are mounted on a common shaft and rotate in the same direction. The STP is thus the successful optimization of the complete SCHOTTEL Rudderpropeller system, with significantly increased efficiency, and is the ideal propulsion unit for all ships in the medium speed range with application-related higher propeller loads. It offers a high degree of reliability thanks to a simple design. Further advantages:...

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The right propulsion for all waters für jedes gewässer der richtige antrieb The SCHOTTEL Rudderpropeller (SRP) sets worldwide standards as a main or auxiliary propulsion unit, even in the toughest offshore operation. By rotating the underwater part through 360°, the full propulsive power can also be used for manoeuvring and for dynamic positioning (DP) of the ship. Sometimes thrusters below the hull are needed, which can interfere with operations in harbours or other applications. For this area of application, SCHOTTEL has developed hydraulically retractable Rudderpropellers. These are...

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System solutions SCHOTTEL Controllable-Pitch Propellers (SCP) are propulsion systems which can be used in nearly all vessel types. The power spectrum ranges from 600 kW to 30,000 kW, with propeller diameters varying between approximately 1.5 and 8.0 m. The pitch of the propeller blades can be adjusted for manoeuvring and to adapt to changing operating conditions. Advanced calculation methods allow the SCP to be optimally adapted to the hydrodynamic conditions on the vessel’s hull, thereby maximizing efficiency and minimizing noise generation. The robust design keeps maintenance requirements...

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Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von Schottel

  1. deu_STT.pdf

    8 Seiten

  2. Twin-Propeller

    8 Seiten

  3. NAV

    8 Seiten

Archivierte Kataloge

  1. deu_SRP

    8 Seiten

  2. deu_SCD

    8 Seiten

  3. Pump-Jet

    8 Seiten

  4. Typenübersicht

    11 Seiten


    20 Seiten

  6. MB 3

    4 Seiten